

The best life is use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life. It comes from the Confucian phrase (lit. An orchid grows in a valley and no one is there to appreciate its scent, and a gentleman cultivates his own morals, which do not change from misfortune.)

上善若水 瑞气盈
武学经卷 品香茗
天人合一 日月明
君子如兰 心无瑕

Whatever life plants you,
Bloom with grace. #spiderplant #Chlorophytum Comosum


I love my new #Teapot and now I can have #rawPuerh Tea in it everyday!

#紫砂壶 掌中转/重叠陶匠指纹/雕者手印/最清的泉水是君子之交/最香的茶叶是旧土之情…

Tea makes everything better


Puerh Tea is a great tea! Love the taste and the great aroma. 2020 Spring #正气塘 old tea tree #rawPuerh #TusiTributeTea

#普洱 #古树茶 滋味满满,蜜香润喉,苦涩不显,陈稳悠长…


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